October 9, 2024 - 10:25 pm
তথ‌্য অ‌ধিদপ্ত‌রের নিবন্ধন নম্বরঃ ৭৭

ICMAB Accorded Reception to the Newly Qualified CMAs


Corporate Desk: The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB) organized a grand reception program for the newly qualified Cost and Management Accountants (CMAs) passed in the CMA May 2023 Examination on August 31, 2023 at its Ruhul Quddus Auditorium, Nilkhet, Dhaka.

Successfully qualified 17 (seventeen) CMAs joined the event along with their family and closest ones. Members and students of the Institute also took part in the event to congratulate and celebrate their success.

Secretary of ICMAB Mr. Md. Kausar Alam FCMA in his welcome speech extended his heartfelt gratitude to congratulate all the newly qualified CMAs. He welcomed all the guests, council members and others in the program. In his speech, he stated that new CMAs have to improve their adaptability; only adaptable persons will survive in the volatile world.

Vice-President of ICMAB Mr. Mahtab Uddin Ahmed FCMA motivated newly qualified CMAs emphasizing on soft skill development. To be the part of the elite society, you have to bring changes on your behavior, he added.

Mr. Jamal Ahmed Choudhury FCMA, past President & present Council member of ICMAB congratulated the newly qualified CMAs. His precise and worthy words regarding ethics, values and code of conducts of a professional accountant won the heart of the audience.

Newly qualified CMAs also shared their feelings, sacrifices towards the journey to be the part of the CMA family. They also firmly committed to uphold the flagship of the CMA profession.

ICMAB President Mr. Md. Abdur Rahman Khan FCMA applauded the newly passed CMAs for their hard work and efforts to become a part of the prestigious CMA family. He encouraged them to continue the development process to become successful CMA professionals by focusing on standardized professional services and ethical code of conduct.

At the end of the program the Treasurer of the Institute Mr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman FCMA offered vote of thanks. The grand and colorful celebration of the reception concluded with cake-cutting and dinner.

Mr. H. M. Mainuddin Ahammed FCMA, Chief Executive, LSF & Company moderate the program.

Corporate Sangbad/AH

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