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In 1998, a student was raped every night in Jahangirnagar University by arranging a dormitory room; after raping a hundred times, the then ruling party's golden boy, "Jasimuddin Manik" celebrated by distributing sweets in the university! He also had a trial but was not hanged. Instead, he fled the country after seeing all this discussed in the media. Now he is living in America! The rule of law was silent on this issue till now!
In June 2021, a husband and wife went to the Sylhet MC College dormitory! There, Chhatra League terrorists blocked their way! They tied up the husband and raped the wife all night in front of him! The next day, when the incident came to light, the police arrested them! However, due to the power of the government, everyone was granted bail within 1 month! The case is still pending, and the rule of law is silent on this till now!
In broad daylight, Badrul of Sylhet publicly beheaded Khadija on the street with a ramda and cut her head into pieces! He is a local cadre of Chhatra League! Khajida was lucky to survive. Badrul also had a trial, but not much. There is no justice for Badrul in Bangladesh till now.
In 2018, Tufan, an influential leader of the Jubo League, raped a mother and daughter together in Banaripara, Barisal, and beheaded them! Tufan also had a trial, but he was not hanged. Currently, Tufan is free on bail. There is no rule of law present for humanity till now.
Tonu was raped and killed inside the Cumilla Cantonment, a reserved area. The intelligence agency knows very well who or what was involved, but the one who raped Tonu has yet to be arrested. He has not even been tried to this day. Nobody knows about this, so how can we be living in Bangladesh?
On December 31, 2018, in Subarnachar, Noakhali, a young girl was gang-raped in front of her mother in broad daylight and beaten up; 17 crore people were silent! Witness! Although there was a demand for the hanging of the rapist Awami League leader Ruhul Amin, the hanging did not happen. He was also arrested! Currently, he is out on bail and threatening the plaintiff to withdraw the case. Who will assure the rule of law for that young girl in Bangladesh?
A few days ago, a 7-year-old child was raped and suffocated to death in a residential area of Dhaka. The rapist was arrested, but he will not be hanged either. Because we are living in Bangladesh without the rule of law at all, we, the parents of daughters living in Dhaka, always live without a sense of safety in the family.
A few years ago, a 3-year-old child in Gazipur was raped and killed by cutting off his genitals with a blade. The rapist was also arrested, but he was not hanged, because this is Bangladesh. There is no rule of law at all, all over in Bangladesh.
Now again, Acia in Magura has died after being raped at the age of just 8, and we are living in Bangladesh with a day-night rape. How are we living? Only Allah knows what a pathetic thing it is for us. We are facing safety hazards everywhere, inside and outside the family, in society, and all over the country.
Note: Information sources are the Newspaper, Facebook, and others
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Day-night raping news in Bangladesh, How we are living! https://corporatesangbad.com/506201/ |